To Guide Your Company’s Future, Look to Its Past

Each company has its own DNA: a unique strategy and culture that sets it apart from competitors. To guide an organization’s growth, you need to understand its nature. Start by looking at its past. Dig around in the company archives. Talk to early employees to find out what the organization used to be like and

Tip of the Month- Know Safety, No Injury

As we go into the new year it is important to keep in mind that when it comes to health and safety everyone plays a part. As a team we need to all know and understand safety and the safety requirements. This is imperative in order to limit injuries and save unnecessary costs. KNOW SAFETY,

Tip of the Month- Quality Customer Service

The way your customers feel towards you is important. The more you show you care about them, the more they’ll likely want to continue working with you. With that in mind, providing good customer service to your clients should naturally be a major priority in your day-to-day schedule. This can be done easily with ISO implemented

Tip of the Month-10 Tips for Working Safely

Staying healthy and safe at work is important. No matter what your job, it is important to reduce your risks of injury and illness at work. Here are some tips to help make your workplace safe. Understand the risks. Once you know the particular hazards of your job or workplace, you can take steps to

Tip of the Month- 10. Health & Safety Rule

Complacency Kills- Don’t Cut Corners! Don’t be tempted to cut corners, one day your luck may run out and either you will be hurt or you may be responsible for injuring someone else. Obey the law, follow company policy and procedures and be vigilant; stop unsafe acts or non compliant situations.

Tip of the Month- 9. Health & Safety Rule

Stop any work that becomes unsafe! If you have any doubts on whether the work you are doing or your workplace is safe, stop work and inform your line manager/ supervisor. You have the legal right to stop work if you feel you are in serious and imminent danger. Also if you see any one

Tip of the Month- 8. Health & Safety Rule

Use the Correct Equipment for the Task Never be tempted to use the wrong equipment for the job. Many accidents happen because people have not chosen the right equipment for the work to be done. Controlling the risk often means planning ahead and ensuring that suitable equipment or machinery is available. You should check the

Tip of the Month- 4. Health & Safety Rule

Keep your workplace clean and tidy Housekeeping it VERY important! Good housekeeping is important; keeping workplaces clear and tidy can prevent many of the more common hazards such as slip, trips fall accidents, fires etc. Check floors regularly for trip hazards and clear up spillages immediately.

Tip of the Month- Assessing Suppliers

ISO9001-2008 requires Companies to have a mechanism to assess their suppliers and continually evaluate the overall products and services they offer you. It is not necessary to assess every single supplier who you might purchase from. It is more important to control your critical suppliers who do supply products and services that affect your product

Bee and Wasp Sting Emergency Protocol

Despite the differences between bee and wasp venom, symptoms of their stings are similar and can be treated in a similar way. A bee will sting only once, a wasp often stings multiple times. A bee also leaves its sting behind, embedded in the skin of the patient. Bee and wasp stings may result in

Delivery Service 

During these extraordinary times, delivery of orders may take up to 7 working days.
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