Total Risk Reduction

There is no such thing as an unimportant thing or being.  If you really want to reduce risk and improve on anything, you must consider everything in the process line or management structure. A key word is “TOTALITY”– end to end review. A high tech iPad is of no use if you dispose of the

ISO45001 on our doorstep

ISO45001 one of the world’s much anticipated standards for occupational health and safety (OHS), has been approved as a Draft International Standard. Every 15 seconds, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease, and 153 people experience a work-related injury. These represent an enormous burden for organizations and society as a whole, costing over

Dare to dream big: three innovators change the world with standards

They are flying across oceans without fuel, giving ordinary people robotic super strength, and growing crops in the desert… In a new video series, three #inspiringinnovators tell the story of how International Standards helped them reach new heights in their search for technologies that could transform the world we know today. Solar Impulse – André

Embracing global standards key to improving quality of Kenya education

Like businesses, academic institutions cannot run away from the reality of globalisation. Technology has turned the world into a small village and local activities are today impacted by global forces. The same forces are shaping education trends. The world is so networked that the education requirements in developed countries are more or less similar to

Rio 2016 receives top global sustainability certificate for organisation of major events

The work of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee to deliver the Olympic and Paralympic Games – and a positive legacy – in a sustainable manner has been recognised with the award of the top global certificate for the sector. Created in 2012 and applied to the London Games, the ISO 20121 international standard establishes sustainability

ISO Conference 2016

On 12th August 2016, Sancert held an ISO conference at the Lanzerac Wine Estate in Stellenbosch for ISO consultants and auditors to get together and discuss the standards. The conference discussed topics such as: What an ISO standard is and what it should do. Things we should be aware of regarding the new ISO9001-2015/ ISO14001-2015

Tip of the Month- Assessing Suppliers

ISO9001-2008 requires Companies to have a mechanism to assess their suppliers and continually evaluate the overall products and services they offer you. It is not necessary to assess every single supplier who you might purchase from. It is more important to control your critical suppliers who do supply products and services that affect your product

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